Pre-requisites : -------------- Ruby 1.8.6-26 or above Rails 2.2.2 or above MySQL 4.0 or above gem install mysql WEBrick or any other HTTP server Database Creation: ----------------- Modify config/database.yml to enter the database name, user and password of your database. There are two ways to create the tables: I. Using migrations Run the following rake commands, from the application root folder: rake db:create rake db:schema:load Database with all tables will be created. Manually create the foreign key on 'factory_master_id' column of 'factory_output_quantities' table to 'id' column of 'factory_masters' table(this step is optional) II.Using sql scripts (MySQL specific) Create the database using sql command (CREATE DATABASE ...) or run rake db:create The sql scripts are present in db folder. Run the following script: create_tables.sql Database with all tables will be created. Execute the script insert_sample_data.sql in your database to insert the sample data. Also execute the sql script create_utfexample_tables_data.sql in your database to convert the database to UTF-8 charSet and create the neccessary tables for UTF-8 examples. Viewing The Charts: ------------------ Start The Server: Run the command, ruby script/server from the application root folder. View The Default Page: Open the browser and type the address http://localhost:3000/fusioncharts/index to view the index page of this application. The address to be typed in the address bar, may vary based on the server configuration on your computer.