<% #This page demonstrates the simple saving of the chart in the specified export format. #When the user clicks on the "Export to ..." button, #the exportChart function is called and FusionCharts("myFirstExport").exportChart will be invoked. #After capturing the data and processing it, the chart gets saved on the server #and a link to the file is shown to the user. #The SaveData.xml has exportAction='save' and exportAtClient='0', so, the chart is saved to the server. #Please ensure that the SAVEPATH in the properties.rb file has the correct entry. #The SAVEPATH variable specifies the absolute or relative path to the folder on the server where the image needs to be saved. %> <% @page_title="FusionCharts - Export chart and save the exported file to a server-side folder" %> <% @page_heading="FusionCharts RoR Samples" %> <% @page_subheading="Export example - Export chart and save the exported file to a server-side folder" %> <% @intro="Right click on the chart to access various export options or click any of the buttons below"%> <% #Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data from /Data/SaveData.xml render_chart "/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "/Data/SaveData.xml", "", "myFirstExport", 600, 300, false, true do-%> <% end -%>
Exported status.