<%= stylesheet_link_tag "style" %> <%= javascript_include_tag "jquery-1.4.2.min" %>
  • Basic Examples

    • <%= link_to 'Simple Column 3D chart using data from XML file (dataUrl method)', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'simple_chart' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Simple Column 3D chart with XML data hard-coded in the builder file (dataStr method)', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'data_xml' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Simple Column 3D chart using data from JSON file (dataUrl method)', :controller=>'fusioncharts/json_example',:action => 'json_url_chart' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Simple Column 3D chart with JSON data hard-coded in json.erb (dataStr method)', :controller=>'fusioncharts/json_example',:action => 'json_data_chart' %>
    • <%= link_to 'HTML Embedding using dataUrl method', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'basic_chart' %>
    • <%= link_to 'HTML embedding using dataStr method', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'basic_data_xml' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Configuring chart using yml file', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'configured_chart' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Multiple Charts on a single page', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'multi_chart' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Creating pure JavaScript based charts', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'multi_chart_js' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Using managed print for Mozilla browsers', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'managed_print' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Transparent Chart', :controller=>'fusioncharts/basic_example',:action => 'simple_chart_transparent' %>
  • Plotting Chart from Data Contained in Arrays

    • <%= link_to 'Single Series Chart Example', :controller=>'fusioncharts/array_example',:action => 'single_series' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Multi Series Chart Example', :controller=>'fusioncharts/array_example',:action => 'multi_series' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Stacked Chart Example', :controller=>'fusioncharts/array_example',:action => 'stacked' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Combination Chart Example', :controller=>'fusioncharts/array_example',:action => 'combination' %>
  • Form Based Example

    • <%= link_to 'Plotting Charts from Data in Forms', :controller=>'fusioncharts/form_based',:action => 'default' %>
  • Database Examples

    • <%= link_to 'Database Example Using dataStr Method', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_example',:action => 'basic_dbexample' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Database Example Using dataUrl Method', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_data_url',:action => 'default' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Multi-series line chart from database using dataURL method', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_example',:action => 'multiseries' %>
  • Database and Drill-down Examples

    • <%= link_to 'Database and Drill-Down Example', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_example',:action => 'default' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Linked charts', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_js_dataurl',:action => 'linked_simple' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Client Side Dynamic Chart Example', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_js',:action => 'default' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Dynamic Chart Example Using dataUrl Method', :controller=>'fusioncharts/db_js_dataurl',:action => 'default' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Drilldown using AJAX', :controller=>'fusioncharts/ajax_example',:action => 'default_factories_chart' %>
  • Exporting of charts

    • <%= link_to 'Download after export', :controller=>'fusioncharts/export_example',:action => 'download' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Save to a folder after export', :controller=>'fusioncharts/export_example',:action => 'save' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Export multiple charts simultaneously', :controller=>'fusioncharts/export_example',:action => 'multiple_charts' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Automatic export', :controller=>'fusioncharts/export_example',:action => 'automatic' %>
  • Multilingual (UTF-8) Examples

    • <%= link_to 'Japanese Example using data from Database', :controller=>'fusioncharts/utf8_example',:action => 'japanese_dbexample' %>
    • <%= link_to 'French Example using data from Database', :controller=>'fusioncharts/utf8_example',:action => 'french_dbexample' %>
    • <%= link_to 'Japanese Example using data from XML file', :controller=>'fusioncharts/utf8_example',:action => 'japanese_xmlfile_example' %>
    • <%= link_to 'French Example using data from XML file', :controller=>'fusioncharts/utf8_example',:action => 'french_xmlfile_example' %>